Serene Dream Beds

Best Sleeping Positions for Lower Back Pain

Sleeping Position - Serene Dream Beds

If you suffer from lower back pain, you’re not alone. Lower back pain is a common complaint and
was named the leading cause of disability in the Global Burden of Disease Study. It can have many
causes with the most being attributed to poor posture, bad sleep habits and lifestyle habits.
The good news however, is that it can be managed by making various small changes to your daily
routine, such as sleeping in a position which helps relieve some of the stress on your spine. Here are
some positions for you to try, and see if they relieve your pain.

  1. Side sleeping
Most people find it more comfortable to sleep on their side. But if you have back pain then you can help to align your spine, hips and pelvis by bending your knees and then placing a pillow between them. Do make sure that your shoulder and waist are touching the mattress, but if you find this difficult then you can consider placing a small pillow beneath your waist. What’s more, studies have shown that sleeping on the left side can even reduce acid reflux and aid digestion.


2. Foetal Position

This is the most popular sleeping position and may be beneficial for those with painful, herniated discs. These are the soft, protective cushions that sit between your spinal vertebrae or “rings”. These discs can sometimes leak fluid and compress nearby nerves causing intense pain that radiates down the arm or leg. To help alleviate these symptoms, lie on your back when first getting into bed, and then gently roll onto your side. Bring your knees up towards your shoulders and lean your head and shoulders forward towards your knees. This increases the space between the spinal vertebrae and can help to ease the pressure on the sciatic nerve, thereby reducing the pain. 


3. Lying on your stomach

This position can be good for snorers and those with sleep apnoea but it is not recommended for anyone with back pain. If you suffer from back pain and are used to sleeping on tummy, we highly recommend switching positions, as stomach sleeping has been known to actually increase back and neck pain, even when you remove that pillow!


4. Flat on your Back

Lying flat on your back can be beneficial for those with back pain but they key is to keep the spine neutral by placing a pillow underneath the knees and some may find it helpful to place a rolled up pillow under the small of the back as well. This keeps the posture aligned in an optimal position, and can also help relieve hip and knee pain, but it does not help snorers unfortunately. 


5. Propped up

This position is beneficial for those who are congested and can help keep airways clear. It can also help relieve pain suffering from a condition known as Isthmic spondylolisthesis. This is when back pain is caused by one vertebrae slipping over another one below it and “locking” into that position. Sleeping in a “reclined” or propped up position creates an angle between the torso and the legs, thereby relieving pressure on the spine. Adjustable beds can help with this position, or even some pillows behind the head and upper back will do the trick. 

Whatever position you choose to sleep in, your bed is very important for your spinal health and can help to alleviate pain in some people when sleeping position is given its due care and attention. Alignment is key in keeping your spine healthy and in optimal condition and it’s always best to avoid twisting when getting in and out of bed or when turning. Pillows can help to fill gaps between your body and the mattress to reduce strain on the muscles and bones. 
Luckily for us all, the beds at can be customised to keep your spine healthy and give you the look you want at a price that is affordable, making it easier for you to get a good nights’ sleep.  
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